牧師紹介 Introducing the pastor


1959年長野県伊那市生れ。大阪キリスト教短大神学課専攻科卒。 1990年より日本基督教団都島教会 主任担任教師に就任し現在に至る。 大学時代、統一協会に行った経験から、カルトからの救出活動と、精神障がい者問題に取り組む。 専門は礼拝学(東方正教会典礼)と修道神学。

Pastor: Takaaki Inoue

Born in Ina City, Nagano Prefecture in 1959. He is a graduate of Osaka Christian College Theology Division. Since 1990, he has been the chief teacher of the United Church of Christ in Japan, Miyakojima Church. In college, he worked on rescue activities from cults and the problem of mentally handicapped people from his experience of going to the Unification Church. His specialty is worship (Eastern Orthodox liturgy) and monastic theology.